An MBA on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills

In the evenings, Ross MBA candidates will often want to schedule team meetings and do schoolwork. When possible, get-togethers in breakout rooms or suites tend to provide the best opportunity for getting to know our classmates. Put a group of leaders together and somebody is going to figure out how to throw a great party. Sidebar in the hotel is way way way too loud for conversation and a beer is $15, although the venue does perhaps demonstrate why the producers of Pretty Woman chose to film at the Beverly Wilshire, if you are into that. Within a half mile radius, two happy hours I would definitely recommend are at Scarpetta, which someone my year found, and McCormick & Schmick, which I just went to at the suggestion of someone in the new incoming class.

Ross has really great professors, but, as students, we can also learn a lot from each other. It is good business to know where in Beverly Hills to find a $5 glass of bubbly or a $135 really perfect New York strip.

The view from our blogger's suite at the Beverly Wiltshire

The view from our blogger’s suite at the Beverly Wiltshire

Amelia G is a Los Angeles-based entrepreneur and a member of the first Los Angeles cohort of the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. Her company can help make you or your product famous. She can be contacted via LinkedIn at