3. Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management

Application Fee: $150

2014 Tuition & Fees: $176,600

Average Months of Work Experience: 168

GMAT Required: No, through a review of academic transcripts and other related documents. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to ask for a GMAT score from any candidate.

Enrollment: 389

International: 32%

Female: 24%

African-American: 10%

Asian-American: 12%

Hispanic/Latino: 11%

Mean Age: 38

Classes Meet: Alternate weekends with occasional week-long sessions

Length of Program: 22 months

Students From These Sectors:

Manufacturing: 15%

Financial Services: 13%

Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 12%

Consulting: 9%

Technology: 9%

Media/Entertainment: 3%

Non-Profit: 3%

Consumer Products: 2%

Government: 2%

Petroleum/Energy: 1%

Real Estate: 1%

Other: 30%

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